Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Vietnamese Pho: Beef Noodle Soup

It is pretty simple and you will love it.

I did not try the authentic beef broth, since I do not have any of Chinese spices at home! 
If you already have Chinese spices, please refer:

Otherwise, you can try what I did here.

I used homemade chicken broth for this noodle soup.
And Yes, it is perfectly fine.

You can use your own chicken broth, as long as you made it!

Just add,

1 tbs Soy sauce
0.5 tbs sugar  (Yes, big surprise!)
1 tbs fish sauce

starting from here,
and you add more for your taste.

the best this about homemade pho is that
you can add meat as much as you want.

Me and my hubby spent $7 for beef.
We went to T&T to purchase "hot pot" beef.

Also, I added Japanese fish balls and bok choi.

Nothing can go wrong with Pho.

If you have a chance to find this can of Pho broth,
I would recommend to buy it.

I added three times more water than it said when I use it, 
but this guarantees the taste of Pho at home.

It costs less than $2 per can.

by iko

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