Last year, he sent me whole pink flowers, and right before I got my flower, I just told him that
I love all flowers but pink, ha ha ha,
he was so frustrated, and I felt so sorry as soon as I got his flower gift.
After all, Sweet P tried so hard to find beautiful flowers but not pink.
this is very different beautiful, exotic flower, so actually I am seeing a lot at where I am from.

I put Avocado, smoked salmon, yellow pepper in the lattuce with taste of vinegar rice.

cookie and cream,home-made ice-cream
it tastes so good, and pretty easy to make.

He does not have a cute mug at his place,
so I thought for little gift it will be good for him to keep.
It was delicious dinner with Pinot Grigio(VOGA).
I absolutely love salmon, and that smoked one looks really yummy! I think Ill try making that! Very cute blog :)